Don’t tell the pigeon! That is, don’t tell the pigeon from Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! that I forgot it was Mo Willems’ birthday! It was February 11, and I just forgot. And how could I? Willems has given us the pigeon books, the elephant and piggie books, and other titles. (I just […]
Today is…
Today (2/11) is Jane Yolen’s birthday. If you don’t know Jane Yolen, you should. Newsweek called her “the Hans Christian Anderson of American children’s literature.” However, I have to admit something: I first encountered her as writer of fantasy and science fiction, for adults. It was only later that I learned of her YA classics, […]
Today is…
Today (2/10) is another picture book writer’s birthday: Lucy Cousins. Cousins is known for her Maisy books, and they are so bright, friendly, and popular that you have probably seen them even if you didn’t recognize the author’s name. Happy birthday, Maisy! I mean, Lucy!